Knowing Jesus is how we share in spiritual formation and discipleship.

Finding Jesus is about our desire to lead people to the saving grace of Jesus Christ.

Loving Jesus is all about a lifestyle of worship.

230 Delaware Ave • Lexington, OH 44904
Lexington Church of Christ
Helping People Find,
Know, Love,
& Serve Jesus
Sunday Worship Times
9am Sunday school for all ages
10am Worship Service
Sharing God’s love with everyone
Knowing Jesus is how we share in spiritual formation and discipleship.
upcoming events
November 2nd, 4 – 6
Lexington Church of Christ
November 3rd
Lexington Church of Christ
November 9th, Time to be determined.
Lexington Church of Christ
November 10th
Lexington Church of Christ
November 16th
Lexington Church of Christ
Every other Thursday starting July 25th
Lexington Church of Christ
Every 2nd Friday of each month
Mosaic Church in Mansfield
Every last Sunday of each month
Wedgewood Estates on Trimble Rd