Lexington Church of Christ
Helping People Find,
Know, Love,
& Serve Jesus

Sunday Worship Times
9am Sunday school for all ages
10am Worship Service

Sharing God’s love with everyone

We are a church that believes in Jesus, and a church that loves God and people!

Knowing Jesus is how we share in spiritual formation and discipleship.

Finding Jesus is about our desire to lead people to the saving grace of Jesus Christ.

Loving Jesus is all about a lifestyle of worship.

Serving Jesus is how we use our spiritual gifts and abilities by giving of our time, talents, and treasures to serve the church and community.

Our Church. Your Home. 

Our Heart’s Desire is to make you feel 
part of an amazing church family.
We look forward to getting to know you.

You are always welcome!

230 Delaware Ave Lexington, OH 44904
